What CRM should I use?
So, how can you really make sure that you are making the right choice in choosing your CRM?
Asking me or anyone what CRM should I use is like asking someone what kind of car should I buy? Do you have kids, do you want electricity, how far do you drive, do you need a roomy trunk? etc... Same with a CRM. We need to know way more about you than just throw out a software name. When we privately talk to Agents we need to ask YOU questions like:
I can tell you that we NEED to know all of the above and more to give you a really great answer. 😮😮
However, here are a few tips when researching:
THE BEST CRM IS THE ONE YOU USE BUT ALSO THAT ALLOWS YOU TO UPDATE ONCE ANYWHERE AND IT UPDATES EVERYWHERE! Yes, it is possible. You update your phone contacts, computer contacts or your CRM contacts and it updates everywhere.
Do you feel like you are wasting time?
Like you are so stressed out?
Do you feel like you are losing $10,000 to $100,000 in lost commission?
You have 2 options!
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